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About MIReS
The Roadmap for Music Information ReSearch (MIReS) was a Coordination and Support Action funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission and coordinated by the Music Technology Group at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona in collaboration with the London design research company Stromatolite LTD. The project was launched on the 1st of October 2011 and run for 18 months. Partners included the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) in Vienna, Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto (INESCP), Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Barcelona Music and Audio Technologies (BMAT).
The MIReS project created a research roadmap of the MIR field, by expanding its context and addressing challenges such as multimodal information, multiculturalism and multidisciplinarity. MIR has the potential for a major impact on the future economy, the arts and education, not merely through applications of technical components, but also by evolving to address questions of fundamental human understanding, with a view to building a digital economy founded on"uncopiable intangibles": personalisation, interpretation, embodiment, findability and community. Within this wider context we proposed to refer to the field of MIR as Music Information ReSearch (MIReS) and thus widen its scope, ensuring its focus is centered on quality of experience with greater relevance to human networks and communities.
The MIReS consortium comprised 5 EU centres of MIR RTD excellence (UPF-MTG, OFAI, IRCAM, INESCP and QMUL) unsurpassed in their achievement in terms of their collective numbers of academic publications on the subject of MIR or their input in establishing MIR as a discipline.
BMAT, Barcelona Music and Audio Technologies, represents a unique industry point of view as a pioneering organisation that has successfully focused on deploying the use of MIR technologies in commerce.
Stromatolite Design Lab is the only known design laboratory which has specialised in catalysing MIR RTD innovation through to industry by means of generating dynamic audio-visual user-oriented interfaces for MIR.
Work Packages
The overall strategy of the work within the scopes of the project was divided into distinct 6 Work Packages, each addressing an essential component area of the Coordination Action.
WP 1 Project Management
WP 2 Meta-Analysis of the MIR Discipline
WP 3 Roadmap Document for Music Information ReSearch
WP 4 Dissemination: Wiki, Publications, Conferences and Workshops
WP 5 Community Co-creativity and New Knowledge Generation (Hubs and Spokes)
WP 6 Framework for an MIReS Network of Excellence: Research-to-Industry
The project outcomes were structured into 17 deliverables and subsequent progress milestones were documented in a form of periodical reports:
Milestone 1 Definition of the roadmapping process following strategic meeting
Milestone 2 Report on the meta-analysis of MIR research trends
Milestone 3 First draft of roadmap structure and basic contents in place
Milestone 4 First summary of all information gathered from organised events
Milestone 5 Completed proposal for research-to-industry network
Go to MIReS website
Supported by the European Commission, FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme), ICT-2011.1.5 Networked Media and Search Systems, grant agreement no 287711.