MTF Special: Tom Cheshire live broadcast interview with Jason Titus CTO Shazam, Dave Haynes VT Soundcloud, Michael Breidenbrücker Founder RjDj and Michela Magas Founder Stromatolite.
Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics and Music presentation by Frederick Rousseau.
Barcelona Music and Audio Technology presentation by Oscar Paytuvi.
Sound and Music Computing Group presentation by Matthew Davies.
MIReS Panel discussion: MAKE, PLAY, SHARE: The future of MusicTech.
MIReS Panel discussion: The Future of Music Information ReSearch.
MIReS Panel discussion: Technological challenges for the computational modeling of the world's musical heritage.
sound/tracks is a novel tool designed to transform your train journey into a unique musical experience.
Sonaris is a completely new way to search for, discover and licence music by analysing musical qualities in real time.
YQX is an autonomous computer system that has learned how to play music expressively. Created by OFAI research team from Vienna.
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